Sunday, February 7, 2010

Family Time

This past week was a pretty busy week for everyone. Reese aka "Peanut" went for her 2 month check up and shots. My lucky number is 22, and I always make a wish at 11:11. Wouldn't you know it that Reese was 11 pounds 11 ounces and 22 inches long! Coincidence? hmmmm. Time is just flying by so quickly. My baby girl rolled over from her stomach to her back! So advanced for her age I must say! :) The kids are all such a big help with her....especially Ally. While in the movies on Friday with Ally and her boyfriend Tyler, I missed a call from my sister so after the movie I called her back and found out that my brother, his wife, and 3 of their 4 girls had been in a bad car accident, but thankfully were all okay. An 80 yr old man ran the stop sign at Carr Rd. & Apple. Which brings me to this: GET THE OLD PEOPLE OFF THE ROAD! I hate to sound so... so.... so........ hmmm, is racist the word I am looking for? Not really sure if that fits the bill or not, but regardless....get the OLD people OFF the flippen road! Nothing ticks me off more then getting behind a handicap license plate in the fast lane of the highway or Apple Ave. Grrr. On another note, we spent Saturday night having game night at my brother and Lori's house. After the scare of the accident, it was nice for all of us to get together and spend some good ole family time! Nothing makes me laugh harder then my family. We poke and tease, but God forbid we hug...right Shelly? Hugging makes my sister Shelly uncomfortable so I made sure to give her a great big hug! It really freaks her out. Game night was a HUGE success...the WOMEN won 5-2. I do have to give credit to the boys since last time we had family game night.....the boys did win. So now our series is tied. Nobody pouts or makes more excuses then my brother Kenny. I do have to give the MVP award to George this time around.....he made me laugh the hardest. As Shelly was trying to describe "dentist" without actually saying the word "dentist"...she says "someone I go to see that works on my cavity"........George yells out "GYNOCOLOGIST!" Right did you guess!? So it was a successful and fun night with the family. At the evenings end my stepdad had an announcement to make. He clears his throat and puts both hands up in the air and in a loud voice he says "okay, now that the game series is tied....we will hold a tie breaker, men against women, this the middle of......" he pauses for a moment and I close my eyes tightly. My brain races at super speed and I think...."YES! This is the moment they announce they are taking all of us on a wonderful, relaxing, warm cruise somewhere." He continues...."um in the middle of....." I start thinking "WHAT WHAT!? Aruba!? Virgin Islands!? Bahamas!? St. Thomas!? WHAT!? The Atlantic? The Pacific? The Red Sea?!!!!" WHHHHAAAAATTTT WHERE!?" He draws in a deep breathe and says "in the middle of Wolf Lake on the Pontoon boat". I think my jaw hit the floor. Alright....Wolf Lake is cool too. And as I come to a close, I would like to give a shout out to Cheerio....the kids just noticed that Cayden's fish Cheerio, who has been part of our family for 3 days now has just passed away. Rest in Peace Cheerio. You will be deeply missed.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! Angie - I LOVE your stories girl!! I think my house is chaos, excitement and fun..then I read your stories and realize I FAIL miserably in comparison! ha ha
    So glad you guys had a great family game night. Those are always fun!!
