Sunday, February 14, 2010

Four reasons I love my life! "You never know the love of a mother until you become one." Thank you for making my life brighter everyday. I love you Toot Man, Bug, T, and Peanut. God has blessed me with amazing children. Cayden with his sense of humor is able to make me laugh everyday, Ally with her willingness to help me out & lend a hand whenever I ask is greatly appreciated, Trace with his big heart & wonderful spirit makes me feel loved & needed everyday, & Reese with her ability to snuggle with me & smile sweetly helps me to remember to just slow down & enjoy the moment

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines Parties

Trace & Hailey
Ally's 1st Valentines present from her boyfriend Tyler. She was thrilled!

Austin, Kam, & Trace after their parties.

Reese looks like she is ready to blow a double kiss in her sleep!

Reese 3 months

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sometimes nothing goes as planned....but that's okay

On normal weekdays, I go back down for a nap with Reese while the older kids go to school in the morning since I am usually exhausted after being woke up a couple times throughout the night for feedings still. However, this morning was was the morning of the day that Reese would get her 3 month pictures taken. I was so excited. Seriously more excited then Christmas morning so there was no way I could fall back asleep. I spent the morning packing a bag with a couple outfits for pictures, searching all over for her black leggings which I never did find, and then I woke Reese up to give her a bath. The morning started of a little rocky though...I had woken up with a bug bite of some sort on my booty. Yes some nasty bug thought my butt would be fun to bite I guess. Then after I gave Reese her bath and dressed her in her first picture outfit....I layed her down with some of her toys so I could throw something on myself that wasn't puke stained. It is a big accomplishment for me if I manage to change my clothes or get a shower these days. Reese played for about 10 minutes before puking all over. Luckily I had a huge bib on her so she didn't get it on her outfit, BUT she was laying on her back so it all pooled around to the back of her head. Wonderful! Her clean hair was now puke hair. I wiped it off as best I could...we were running late & I wasn't gonna have time for another bath for her at that moment. HEY..don't judge me! It was the back of her hair anyways and actually worked nice like gel ;) About 2 minutes after the puke incident, Reese decided she wanted to take a BIG morning poo! Nice Ree. Real nice. YES I did change her diaper! THAT couldn't wait til after pics!!! lol. By this time my nice booty bite was starting to swell and itch...nothing better then itchy booty, but I was on a mission to get my baby girl to her very first picture shoot. We rushed down to the bus stop and picked up Trace. Once we met my sister at the mall, we were a little early for the picture shoot so we ran down to payless to buy Trace some new shoes. I managed to talk him into a pair that was on clearance and he proceeded to show me how much faster he could run with new shoes on! And said "HEY MOM...I can even walk on my tiptoes real good with these shoes!" Uh no son, no need to show me how you walk on your tip toes. Man up would ya!? By this time my hands were getting super itchy and were starting to swell too....I had no idea what had bit me, but I had a feeling that it was starting to effect more then just my butt! Photo shoot started at 1 and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little disappointed. I had such high hopes and then Reese was starting to get tired. She wasn't too bad, not really cranky but she was tired and giving me her tired eyes with not much of a smile. I did manage to get one crooked, kind of cocky looking smile out of her. The photographer wasn't as involved or helpful as I hoped she would be...she seemed kind of new to it like maybe she didn't have kids of her own. All in all I was satisfied with a handful of pics so I guess that it was a success afterall. Shelly & I decided after I picked out several poses and paid for them that I would feed Reese & then run her down to Sears for a 2nd photo shoot to see if those pics would turn out any better. However, Reese had other plans and quickly fell asleep...I thought even sleeping pics of her would be cute but when we walked down to Sears...their photography studio was closed for lunch. Bummer. Oh well, at least I did get a few good shots of her already. Plus by this time the itching and swelling was becoming unbearable. I wanted to shop, but I was having a horrible allergic reaction and couldn't get out of the mall fast enough. You KNOW it must be bad if I leave the mall to go to urgent care! Thankfully Shelly took Trace & Reese for me. By the time I walked into urgent care my hands, fingers, arms, and feet were swollen and itchy. I was taking my shoes and socks off as I was walking in the door cause the itching was so painful. My left thumb hurt because it swelled so big and I had welts along my arm. They immediately got me in the back and gave me two shots & then I had to wait while they observed. Thankfully the one shot for the itching kicked in pretty quickly so that was a huge relief! The Dr. said it was a definate allergic reaction to something, but they have no idea exactly what caused it. I came home and slept for a few hours so now it is 3:12 a.m. and Reese is staying the night at Shelly's house so tonight I can actually SLEEP without getting up to feed a baby and wouldn't ya know that I am wide awake!!! P.S. Don't be jealous Kenny that Shelly made it onto "Angie and Kevin plus 7". You will eventually have your moment to shine in the spotlight ;)

Baby Cousins Galore

I was sitting here watching Reese nap this morning & I was thinking how happy I am that she will have so many little friends to have play dates with in the years to come. It seems like so many friends were pregnant in 2009 and Reese certainly didn't have a shortage of baby cousins born right around the same time as she meets each baby cousin for the 1st time:

Reese & Hunter (Hunter is the son of my step sister Chelsea & Rob, he was born about 5 weeks before Reese on 10/05/09)

Reese & Braxtyn meet for the 1st time. (Braxtyn is the son of my brother in law Steve & his wife Lindsay. He was born about a week and a half after Reese on 11/24/09)

Brielle & Reese. (Brielle is the daughter of my cousin Michael and his wife Stephanie. Brielle was born about 5 weeks after Reese & she entered the world just a few days before Christmas!) I went into labor for Reese at the baby shower for Brielle!
Next up is my cousin Brian & his wife Krystal, they are due in July 2010. Can't wait to meet your little one Bri & Krystal!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A day in the life of Reese Michelle

I wake up a happy girl and all smiles after a good nights sleep in my swaddle blanket.

Out of the swaddle blanket and ready to stretch stretch stretch!!!

Yes it is time for my morning poo after I have stretched ;)

Woohooo! That sure felt good!!! Now I'm all smiles!

Sitting in my bumbo and not happy with this dumb flower on my head! Really mom!?!

Lilly loves Reese and always makes her smile

Happy girl Happy girl Happy girl Happy girl Happy girl Happy girl Happy girl

I am beautiful and I am happy. See my tongue :)-

Peanut in a nutshell

My little Peanut is almost 3 months old & I wonder where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I wept make that sobbed when I found out I was pregnant with her. And no...not tears of joy. That is really hard for me to admit, but it is the truth. I was scared, make that terrified. I didn't know what to do or who to turn to. I didn't know who to trust. How can I do this? How can I raise this baby? I am sad to admit that it crossed my mind to tell no one & just end the pregnancy. How could that even cross my mind? I wrote a paper in college about being against abortion. How could I even let that thought, for even one second cross my mind!? People do and think crazy things when their back is against the wall. When they are scared. When they don't know who to turn to. I was in Hawaii and thankfully had my good friend Katie there with me to hold my hand. She held me as I cried. She offered advice, but never a solution. I love her for that. At the time...I didn't love her so much for that. I honestly just wanted someone to give me an answer. To tell me what to do. The flight home, I cried. I couldn't sleep, I was on the plane overnight and I sobbed. When I finally landed in Grand Rapids the next mom, Ally, Cayden, and Trace were at the end of the terminal waiting for me. It had been almost 2 weeks since I had seen them. It was Cayden's 9th birthday. I swallowed the lump in my throat and hugged my kids. They are my world and I knew in that moment what I was going to do. The first few months of pregnancy were not easy at all. My marriage was on the rocks, I had morning sickness around the clock, I was unable to give myself my injections for my psoriatic arthritis so my fingers and toes were in constant pain, and later I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes..... but I never looked back. I knew that through it all...I made the right decision. On July 22nd 2009 I was scheduled for an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. My sister Shelly & my daughter Ally joined me for the ultrasound when we found out we were having a girl. The months that followed included A LOT of shopping! My mom, my sister, and I were all guilty of going a little "baby girl clothes crazy" :) I was warned by my doctor in the last trimester that I would probably not make it to the end of my pregnancy. I was having ultrasounds weekly because of my GD and there was a huge amount of extra amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. On November 12th, 2009 I went into the doctor and he wanted to schedule an appt. for the following week to check to see if Reese's lungs were developed enough and if so....they were going to induce me early because of all the problems I was having. That afternoon I came home from the doctor and kept having contraction after contraction. They didn't hurt, but they were coming consistently. I have never gone into labor on my own and I was not due for another 5 weeks so I didn't think much of it. That night I went to my cousin Stephanie's baby shower at my moms house and was still having contractions. I had my daughter and 2 step daughters with me so I drove them home to Kevin and drove myself to the hospital. Yup, I was in labor and ready or not....Reese was ready to enter the world. At 12:56 p.m. on Friday November 13th (yes Friday the 13th ha ha)...Reese Michelle entered the world at a healthy 6 lbs 7 ounces, 19.5 inches long, although my doctors office later told me that she was only 18 inches and that the hospital measured wrong. It brings tears to my eyes when I hold her, when I look at her, when I hear Trace tell her he loves her, or when I watch Ally fall asleep holding her, but these are happy tears. Not the same tears I cried last year. She is the reason I get out of bed at 3 a.m. with a smile on my face :) She is beautiful and amazing. As I type this right now, she is patiently sitting on my lap staring at the computer screen and bobbing her head around. I can't wait to see the amazing little girl and woman that Reese grows up to be. She is not the lucky one to have us....WE are the lucky ones to have her!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not so cool anymore

This morning I sit here in bewilderment....when did I go from knowing the rules of being "cool" to being so "uncool". Ally & I pulled up the bus stop just as the bus was pulling away today. So with my pajamas, fuzzy boots, and hair flying in every direction....I chase after the bus honking my horn and flashing my bright lights on and off. The bus finally stops and Ally looks at me with disgust and says "MOM, you are SO embarrassing!" Then she jumps outta the car and runs to the bus. I am left sitting there thinking "what the???" Back just a few years ago ALL the kids would giggle and egg me on if we had to chase the actually became a fun little game. Nowadays it is SO UNCOOL! Welcome to middle school Ang. Boy do I feel unpopular.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Family Time

This past week was a pretty busy week for everyone. Reese aka "Peanut" went for her 2 month check up and shots. My lucky number is 22, and I always make a wish at 11:11. Wouldn't you know it that Reese was 11 pounds 11 ounces and 22 inches long! Coincidence? hmmmm. Time is just flying by so quickly. My baby girl rolled over from her stomach to her back! So advanced for her age I must say! :) The kids are all such a big help with her....especially Ally. While in the movies on Friday with Ally and her boyfriend Tyler, I missed a call from my sister so after the movie I called her back and found out that my brother, his wife, and 3 of their 4 girls had been in a bad car accident, but thankfully were all okay. An 80 yr old man ran the stop sign at Carr Rd. & Apple. Which brings me to this: GET THE OLD PEOPLE OFF THE ROAD! I hate to sound so... so.... so........ hmmm, is racist the word I am looking for? Not really sure if that fits the bill or not, but regardless....get the OLD people OFF the flippen road! Nothing ticks me off more then getting behind a handicap license plate in the fast lane of the highway or Apple Ave. Grrr. On another note, we spent Saturday night having game night at my brother and Lori's house. After the scare of the accident, it was nice for all of us to get together and spend some good ole family time! Nothing makes me laugh harder then my family. We poke and tease, but God forbid we hug...right Shelly? Hugging makes my sister Shelly uncomfortable so I made sure to give her a great big hug! It really freaks her out. Game night was a HUGE success...the WOMEN won 5-2. I do have to give credit to the boys since last time we had family game night.....the boys did win. So now our series is tied. Nobody pouts or makes more excuses then my brother Kenny. I do have to give the MVP award to George this time around.....he made me laugh the hardest. As Shelly was trying to describe "dentist" without actually saying the word "dentist"...she says "someone I go to see that works on my cavity"........George yells out "GYNOCOLOGIST!" Right did you guess!? So it was a successful and fun night with the family. At the evenings end my stepdad had an announcement to make. He clears his throat and puts both hands up in the air and in a loud voice he says "okay, now that the game series is tied....we will hold a tie breaker, men against women, this the middle of......" he pauses for a moment and I close my eyes tightly. My brain races at super speed and I think...."YES! This is the moment they announce they are taking all of us on a wonderful, relaxing, warm cruise somewhere." He continues...."um in the middle of....." I start thinking "WHAT WHAT!? Aruba!? Virgin Islands!? Bahamas!? St. Thomas!? WHAT!? The Atlantic? The Pacific? The Red Sea?!!!!" WHHHHAAAAATTTT WHERE!?" He draws in a deep breathe and says "in the middle of Wolf Lake on the Pontoon boat". I think my jaw hit the floor. Alright....Wolf Lake is cool too. And as I come to a close, I would like to give a shout out to Cheerio....the kids just noticed that Cayden's fish Cheerio, who has been part of our family for 3 days now has just passed away. Rest in Peace Cheerio. You will be deeply missed.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just the Beginning of many blogs to come....

I am new to the blogging world so please bare with me. Is that right? Bare? or is it Bear? I am normally an excellent speller but I do have to say that it is after midnight, I am sick, and running on very little sleep. I wanted to start keeping a blog so that I can document "our lives". It seems like so much goes on in my family on a daily basis and I want to be able to look back someday and remember and read all of these great, wonderful, heart warming, and funny moments. So today Austin, Megan, & Kammi headed up to the condo to go skiing with Grandma & Grandpa Jarvis so Kevin and I decided to take Ally, Cayden, & Trace to dinner and the movies. Did I mention that Ally brought her boyfriend Tyler along with us??? Yeah....I am wondering where the time has gone? Seems like just yesterday that I was holding her in my arms. Now she is growing up so quickly before my eyes! It is amazing and scary for me all at the same time. We went to see "Tooth Fairy" at the movie theater tonight and wouldn't ya know it.....half way through the movie....Cayden's tooth fell out! Too funny. Well, as it is late...I am gonna keep this first blog short. I will try to update as often as possible.....til next time.......................................